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Issue #156

King County Murray wins big as voters dump McGinn; it’s all over but the concession State Sen. Ed Murray took a big lead Tuesday night of 56 percent to 43 percent over incumbent Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, a margin that makes the 18-year veteran of the Washington Legislature a nearly sure bet to become Seattle’s…

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Issue #155

(Daily Clips will have a full election roundup, gathered from news sources around King County, Washington state, and the nation, Wednesday November 6.) King County Will Seattle-area voters put their left feet forward? Incumbent Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn was playing the role of populist insurgent on election eve, while challenger State Sen. Ed Murray was…

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Issue #154

King County In last days of Seattle mayor’s race, a final push to get out the vote as charges of ‘cyberbullying’ and ‘harassment’ abound Exactly how much difference the so-called “ground game” can make in the Seattle mayor’s race is hard to gauge. But with the debates over and ads running their course, campaigns don’t…