National Run for Office Day 2021
Local leaders in King County are urged to consider running for public office in 2021
Over the past four years, we’ve seen a record number of first-time candidates – particularly millennial, gen-z, BIPOC, LGBTQIA folks – run and win, changing the make-up of Congress, state legislatures, and city halls across the country.
But 2020 changed the stakes. From protests against systemic racism to the ongoing COVID pandemic, the needs of our communities have grown and become more urgent. This is why we need you to run.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 is National Run for Office Day and we are asking you to commit to run for office. (Or at least, consider it! Signing up today is not a promise, it’s just letting us know you’re thinking about it.) If there is an issue that matters to you, run. If there is something in your community that you know you can fix, run. There is no litmus test for who can and cannot be an elected leader. You have the power to be the change you want to see. There are over 300 positions to fill in 2021 – and we need you.
If you are ready to run for office or are interested in learning more about what it takes to run, please go to and to get started! It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what office you want to run for or even when you might consider it. The first step is expressing your interest in our democracy by saying you would like to run.