Hello and welcome!
Hello and welcome to What we’re reading, a microblog published by the King County Democrats. We hope you enjoy following current events with us!
Hello and welcome to What we’re reading, a microblog published by the King County Democrats. We hope you enjoy following current events with us!
Steve Zemke and Sarajane Siegfriedt have been appointed as co-chairs of the Legislative Action Committee. Steve and Sarajane are two of our most experienced advocates, and have co-chaired this committee in the past. They are committed to greatly increasing opportunities for our PCOs and members to advocate for a better King County and Washington…
Today, the Metropolitan King County Council voted to appoint Rebecca Saldaña to take the place of Pramila Jayapal in the Washington State Senate, representing the 37th Legislative District (which spans Beacon Hill, Central District, Rainer Valley, Columbia City, Rainier Beach, and part of Renton). King County Democratic Chair Bailey Stober issued the following statement in…
President Joe Biden and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris are the leadership team we need to move our nation into a place of unity and respect.
I am monitoring the weather situation and will make a determination tomorrow morning as to if we will proceed with the special nominating caucus tomorrow night. All candidates have been notified of this by the 48th LD Chair and we will provide PCOs with as much notice as possible if anything changes. However, based upon…
Today, the King County Council voted 8-0 to appoint Carol Gregory to the open 30th LD State Representative seat (position #2, vacated when Roger Freeman passed away). District #6 Councilmember Jane Hague was not present for the vote. The appointment is now waiting on the action of the Pierce County Council.
Following Ross Hunter’s resignation from the Legislature to helm the Washington State Department of Early Learning, the King County Democrats tonight selected attorney Patty Kuderer, Redmond City Councilmember Kim Allen, and real estate broker Santiago Ramos as its nominees to fill the vacancy for State Representative, Position #1 in the 48th Legislative District. The final…