No LAC Meeting for October
Ballots have dropped; too many doorbells to ring. You know the drill…
Ballots have dropped; too many doorbells to ring. You know the drill…
printable version Revenue & Tax Reform: Pass a capital gains tax on the wealthy to raise additional revenue to fund Basic Education and meet McCleary obligations Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results in terms of living-wage jobs and other measurable community benefits Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax Expenditure…
Printable version Updated 4/6/2015Call your legislators and the Gov. at 1-800-562-6000 and urge them to support your bill. HOUSE BILLS STATUS COMMENTS & ACTION SHB 1223 Financing Workforce Housing (Springer) (also SB 5208) Substitute bill passed House 63-35 (3/5); passed by Senate Human Services, Mental Health & Housing (3/31); referred to Senate Rules (4/1) Substitute bill makes…
The November LAC Meeting takes place Sunday 11/16 2:00-4:00 at the Northeast Branch Seattle Library, 6801 35th Ave NE, Seattle. Our program will be setting our priorities (subject to executive board approval) for the upcoming legislative session.
The September LAC Meeting takes place Sunday 9/21, 2:00-4:00 at the Kirkland Library, 308 Kirkland Ave, Kirkland, 98033. Our special guest will be Peggy Maze Johnson of Heart of America Northwest, the Hanford watchdog group.
The May KCDCC Legislative Action Committee Meeting will take place Sunday 5/18 2:00-4:00 at Auburn Library 1102 Auburn Way S Auburn 98002 Special guest is Greg Baruso, candidate for 30th District State House running against Republican Linda Kochmar
Revenue & Tax Reform: Pass a capital gains tax on the wealthy to raise additional revenue to fund Basic Education and meet McCleary obligations (Budget—No bill #) Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results in terms of living-wage jobs and other measurable community benefits Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax…