Let’s Do This!
Hi this is my new blog. Actually, this is a test of my new blog.
Hi this is my new blog. Actually, this is a test of my new blog.
How Big Money failed to rescue Eric Cantor Big money couldn’t save Eric Cantor. The darling of big Wall Street donors, the K Street business types, and the Republican establishment went down in flames Tuesday, all the while crushing his no-name opponent with a 26-1 cash advantage in the money race. Cantor, the House majority leader, raised…
The agenda for our May 26 Executive Board meeting (7 PM, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) is here and includes: Endorsements (go here for candidate questionnaires) Consideration of a bylaws amendment Consideration of the WAmend Resolution in support of Initiative 735 to the Legislature.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on May 1st for the King County Democratic Convention! The caucus and convention cycle wraps up in June with the Washington State Democratic Convention. Delegates, Alternates and other interested Democrats should mark the following dates on their calendars: Washington State Democratic Convention: June 17th – 19th (all day) in…
King County A light weekend for King County-specific government and political hard news, but two veteran local columnists sure had plenty to say: Dems keep shooting themselves in foot Westneat How can legislators keep introducing a bill they don’t support? Because not only are they sometimes not reading their bills. They aren’t writing them, either….
Statement from the Chair and Vice Chairs of the King County Democrats June 1, 2020 The King County Democrats stand in solidarity with the brave individuals across our nation who are taking to the streets to demand justice for the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, and the many other Black…
Compromising won’t help get to $15 Now It’s the dog days of a Seattle winter, and tempers are growing short. The initial enthusiasm for a $15 an hour minimum wage remains strong, but it has been joined by a more contentious hashing out of the details of how we get there—and who is included. 68%…