Alert: District & precinct boundaries changed in 2023!
Find your current legislative district
If you don’t know your legislative district, we can look it up based on your home address — enter it below:
[precinct_lookup]You live in Legislative District {{ legislative_district }}, and also, your precinct is {{ precinct }}.[/precinct_lookup]
Democratic Party Organizations by Legislative District:
- 1st District
- 5th District
- 11th District
- 12th District
- 30th District
- 31st District
- 32nd District
- 33rd District
- 34th District
- 36th District
- 37th District
- 41st District
- 43rd District
- 45th District
- 46th District
- 47th District
- 48th District
You can also see a map of current legislative districts in King County.